Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Make up for men & Smoky Eyes

So today we did make up for men and smoky eyes (well we were supposed to do make up for men and make up for matured women but it was so hard looking for aged women that is willing to get their make up done). Sakit na ng paa namin kakahanap kaya we just decided na maghanap na lang muna kami ng mga dalagang willing magpa smoky eyes!

Make up for men is actually easy, I found it hard at first and I had so many mistakes but I'm getting the hang of it. SO HAPPY THERE ARE ACTUALLY GUYS OUT THERE THAT TRUSTED US AND GOT THEIR MAKE UP DONE LOL.

I really loved how my smoky eyes turned out, forgot to take a close up shot of the eyes. 

It would look even more gorgeous if I put on falsies, and hey! I think I contoured her nose quite nice is this a sign of improvement.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

High Score!

Last Friday, September 20. We had our midterms (written exam and practical exam) and after lunch break our results were out. I got the highest score in our written exam so I got a prize from our teacher!

Yes, a sigma brush. I've always wanted to own a set of sigma brushes but I just never really got to buy one yet, still saving up. The number of times I have watched Sigma Brush Set Reviews/Unboxing videos on youtube is insane. I wanted to own a set or just an individual sigma brush SO BAD. So I thought getting my first sigma brush from my teacher because I passed the test, because my only mistake was a .5 (lol), means a lot. 

2 weeks in Make Up Designory Experience

I'm currently studying make up in Make Up Designory. It's already been exactly 2 weeks ever since I started going to class, it was always a fun filled day. Getting to know more about my classmates and teacher, learning new things about make up you just can't find on the internet. So far, we've discussed Base Matching, Highlight and Shadow, Contouring, Eyebrows, Eyeliner, Lashes, Cheek Color Application (those are the only ones that are on top of my head right now). We've learned so many new things and techniques. We were also taught how to keep your station clean, how to be hygienic and sanitary etc. etc.

We always take before and after pictures in class. Personally, I think it's a really good idea. It has helped me a lot because I get to look at my work. Kung may hindi ba pantay, or kung may mali ba. Kung mas mahaba ba ang right eyebrow sa left. And I also love going through those pictures at night and be like "Mali to" "Hindi pwede to. Mali ang pag contour." "Medyo peachy ang base ang nagamit ko sa mukha niya"

This was my first base application. We were mixing colors trying to do base matching. Meet Ate Zel!

The base was obviously too light for her skin, but it was my first try so.. And I never really learned base matching before I started attending this school. I always get help at make up counters whenever I buy foundations or bb creams. But I didn't fail at my fourth try though! 

I did it on my classmate, Alex.

Perfect base match. Perfect concealing. Perfect :) I'm really proud of my work here. My first three attempts were embarrassing. So much has happened in our first 2 weeks let's just skip to the brows. We were taught how to groom eyebrows (shaving and plucking), where the inner brow should start and where the outer brow should end, where the arch base and arch peak should be placed. It sounds easy but it's actually a challenge too. But like they said, practice makes perfect! My first brow grooming I did it on my classmate, Jam.

I've already groomed her eyebrows before I could even take a before picture. I tend to forget to take pictures sometimes, not sure if it's because I'm too excited to start or if I'm really just forgetful. My work on her eyebrows was ~okay~ it wasn't perfect. But I'm practicing!

So after a week we stopped practicing on each other's faces and looked for models. We can either bring our own models or look for models. I couldn't bring a model with me so I looked for models (in Market Market). It was hard at first, approaching people you don't know, and people getting approached by a person they don't know. But with the help of my classmates we made it happen! Looking for models/ fishing can be really fun.

My very first model was, well.. I forgot her name. But she's a student. Most of the models that are willing to get their make up done were students. I did a natural make up on her inspired from this picture.

I wish the colors I used on her face didn't got washed out, I was only using my phone. 
My thought on my work? It turned out pretty good, she told me she loved it and she kept smiling which made me feel really happy. And I loved my work on her too, I'm satisfied.. except for the brows. Something seems off, maybe because it didn't turned out as defined as I imagined it on my head. 

My second model was a student from STI, and yes I forgot her name again. The look I did on this girl was inspired from this photo.

I didn't own any golds or nudes I can use on her face so I just chose whatever I had on my kit that is the most similar with the cheek and lip color. I could've contoured her cheeks more and nose. But overall, I loved my work here as well.

 as you can see I'm not posting some of my works that I didn't like because .. it's really embarrassing. But I'm PRACTICING PRACTICING PRACTICING. Especially in the eyebrow part, and the contouring of the face and nose ((sometimes cheek color application too)). But other than that I don't think I have anymore problems especially in the eye part. I love eye shadows, I love mixing colors, I just have to explore more! Create more!